Shen Li: Rare Beast

SHOW: Feb 24-28, Greene 201 LECTURE: Mon Feb 24, 6pm, Greene Gallery


[Brown’s Presentation]

Thesis student, Shen Li presents RARE BEAST as a catalog of his travels across Europe. Li investigates “the specificity of form and surface” as part of the Brown’s Travel Fellowship that he was awarded in 2012.


Times are changing and the zeitgeist is new. Rare Beast poses that the reintroduction of tectonics into surface ornamentation has the capacity to reform fundamental relationships between space and mass; to catalyze poetic language as a means of addressing contemporary issues. Exotic, unknown types emerge and more, difficult aesthetics become plausible. In a future where ornamentation is no longer tortured by hyper-expressive intent nor pseudo-scientific post-rationalization, ornament must become a means of unearthing spatiality in a world where space is seemingly bleeding away.

As a series of speculations on our times, the presentation will mine anything necessary, from De Stijl to Ernst Haeckel, and visit every taboo necessary, from fascism, to taste, to make an argument for the specificity of form and surface.



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Evan Douglis, Professor


School of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street - Greene Bldg.
Troy, NY 12180 - USA

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